كوستاريكا 🇨🇷
يوفر موقع الويب هذا معلومات حول رمز البلد ورمز المنطقة وتفاصيل خطة الترقيم والنصائح الخاصة بكيفية الطلب كوستاريكا.
- ويكيبيديا: كوستاريكا 🇨🇷
- الرمز البريدي من كوستاريكا
كوستاريكا رمز الاتصال الدولي برمودا
- الاسم: كوستاريكا 🇨🇷
- رمز: 506 , أيضا 506 0, 00506+, 506 00, 506-00, -506+, 506+ الخ.
معلومات عامة
- رمز البلد كوستاريكا: 506
- البادئة الجذع: لا شيء
- البادئة الدولية: 00
- عدد التفاصيل: أرقام الهاتف كوستاريكا ثمانية أرقام. يشير الرقم الأول إلى ما إذا كان رقم الهاتف هو خط ثابت (خط أرضي) أو هاتف جوال. تبدأ أرقام الهاتف الثابت بالخط الثاني. يمثل الرقم الثاني من رقم الهاتف الثابت جزءًا جغرافيًا من البلد. تبدأ أرقام هواتف VoIP بـ'4 '. بعض أرقام هواتف VoIP غير متوفرة من خارج كوستاريكا. تبدأ أرقام الهاتف المحمول بالأرقام digit'5 و'6 'و'7' و'8 '. يمثل كل رقم بدء حاملة هاتف جوال مختلفة.
مثال على رقم هاتف كوستاريكا
يسرد فندق Costa Rica Marriot رقم هاتفه في سان خوسيه في 506-2298 0000.
تفاصيل خطة الترقيم
رقم(NDC+SN) | طول رقم كبير | استعمال | المشغل / المزود - الخدمة | |
110 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Manual reverse charging |
112 | ----- | 3 | Special services | Clock – ICE |
113 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Free directory information |
115 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Tele-management |
116 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – International operator |
117 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Emergencies |
118 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Emergencies |
119 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Breakdowns |
123 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Dictation of telegrams |
124 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE –MIDA traffic information |
1026 | ----- | 4 | Special services | ICE – Electrical disruptions |
129 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Technical tests (internal use) |
137 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Communication disabled terminals |
146 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE –Automatic wake-up service |
175 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - International collect calls |
187 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Consultation invoicing |
189 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Radiolocation service (internal use) |
190 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Consultation voicemail |
191 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Consultation voicemail |
192 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Tourist information |
193 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Mobile telemanagment and breakdowns |
197 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Prepaid public telephony |
199 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Prepaid public telephony |
1000 -1009 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1010 | 4 | Access service to prepaid service platform Call My Way | 13.I.2011 | |
1011 - 1019 | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation | |
1020 - 1021 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1022 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1025 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1027 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1028 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1030-1099 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1100 - 1109 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1111 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1112 | ----- | 4 | Special services | ICE – Clock (former 112) |
1114 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1120 - 1129 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve, no allocation possible |
1130 - 1136 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1138 - 1145 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1147 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1148 - 1174 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1176 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1177 | ----- | 4 | Telemanagement Service TELEVISORA DE COSTA RICA S.A | Introduction on : 25.I.2013 – 00:00 |
1178 - 1186 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1188 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1194 - 1196 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1198 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1200- 1211 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1212 | ----- | 4 | Access service to Center of Telemanagement, Call My Way | 13.I.2011 |
1213 - 1899 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1900 | 4 | Pre-selection code for operator Call my Way | 13.I.2011 | |
1901 - 1974 | ----- | 4 | Operator pre-selection codes | In reserve for allocation |
1975 | ----- | 4 | Telemanagement Service TELEVISORA DE COSTA RICA S.A | Introduction on : 25.I.2013 – 00:00 |
1976 - 1999 | ----- | 4 | Operator pre-selection codes | In reserve for allocation |
20000### | 21999### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22000### | 22057### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22058### | 22058### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22059### | 22061### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22062### | 22064### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22065### | 22152### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22153### | 22153### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22154### | 22155### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22156### | 22159### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22160### | 22161### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22162### | 22162### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22163### | 22166### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22167### | 22168### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22169### | 22169### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22170### | 22170### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22171### | 22174### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22175### | 22177### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22178### | 22183### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22184### | 22188### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22189### | 22346### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22347### | 22349### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22350### | 22386### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22387### | 22389### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22390### | 22417### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22418### | 22418### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22419### | 22431### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22432### | 22433### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22434### | 22434### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22435### | 22435### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22436### | 22448### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22449### | 22449### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22450### | 22457### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22458### | 22458### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22459### | 22465### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22466### | 22469### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22470### | 22484### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22485### | 22489### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22490### | 22496### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22497### | 22498### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22499### | 22511### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22512### | 22515### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22516### | 22551### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22552### | 22552### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22553### | 22558### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22559### | 22559### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22560### | 22637### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22638### | 22644### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22645### | 22645### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22646### | 22646### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22647### | 22647### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22648### | 22649### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22650### | 22662### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22663### | 22670### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22671### | 22671### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22672### | 22675### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22676### | 22678### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22679### | 22679### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22680### | 22705### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22706### | 22706### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22707### | 22707### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22708### | 22708### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22709### | 22739### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22740### | 22740### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22741### | 22741### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22742### | 22749### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22750### | 22759### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22760### | 22762### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22763### | 22772### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22773### | 22773### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22774### | 22787### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22788### | 22788### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22789### | 22813### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22814### | 22818### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22819### | 22839### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22840### | 22840### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22841### | 22867### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22868### | 22868### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22869### | 22869### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22870### | 22870### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22871### | 22871### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22872### | 22873### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22874### | 22876### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22877### | 22877### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22878### | 22890### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22891### | 22891### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22892### | 22948### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22949### | 22949### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22950### | 22951### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22952### | 22952### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22953### | 22953### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22954### | 22955### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22956### | 22978### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22979### | 22979### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22980### | 22998### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22999### | 24009### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24010### | 24013### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24014### | 24020### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24021### | 24022### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24023### | 24030### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24031### | 24031### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24032### | 24040### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24041### | 24041### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24042### | 24099### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24100### | 24104### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24105### | 24105### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24106### | 24107### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24108### | 24108### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24109### | 24139### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24140### | 24148### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24149### | 24149### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24150### | 24159### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24160### | 24173### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24174### | 24183### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24184### | 24190### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24191### | 24276### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24277### | 24280### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24281### | 24281### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24282### | 24282### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24283### | 24283### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24284### | 24289### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24290### | 24299### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24300### | 24307### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24308### | 24308### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24309### | 24315### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24316### | 24323### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24324### | 24325### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24326### | 24327### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24328### | 24328### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24329### | 24329### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24330### | 24342### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24343### | 24356### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24357### | 24365### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24366### | 24369### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24370### | 24387### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24388### | 24388### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24389### | 24397### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24398### | 24399### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24400### | 24404### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24405### | 24405### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24406### | 24448### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24449### | 24449### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24450### | 24468### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24469### | 24469### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24470### | 24474### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24475### | 24475### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24476### | 24479### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24480### | 24481### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24482### | 24489### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24490### | 24493### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24494### | 24496### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24497### | 24499### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24500### | 24506### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24507### | 24509### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24510### | 24523### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24524### | 24529### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24530### | 24545## | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24546### | 24549### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24550### | 24551### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24552### | 24559### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24560### | 24564### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24565### | 24568### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24579### | 24579### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24570### | 24579### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24580### | 24585### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24586### | 24587### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24588### | 24588### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24589### | 24589### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24590### | 24619### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24620### | 24620### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24621### | 24622### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24623### | 24623### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24624### | 24628### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24629### | 24629### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24630### | 24635### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24636### | 24639### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24640### | 24641### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24642### | 24643### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24644### | 24644### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24645### | 24649### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24650### | 24651### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24652## | 24654## | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24655### | 24655### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24656## | 24659## | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24660### | 24661### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24662## | 24665## | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24666### | 24668### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24669## | 24670### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24671### | 24673### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24674## | 24677### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24678### | 24678### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24679## | 24679### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24680### | 24682### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24683## | 24687### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24688### | 24689### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24690### | 24690### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24691### | 24693### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24694### | 24694### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24695### | 24696### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24697### | 24698### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24699### | 24705### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24706### | 24707### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24708### | 24713### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24714### | 24716### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24717### | 24723### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24724### | 24730### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24731### | 24734### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24735### | 24738### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24739### | 24745### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24746### | 24746### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24747### | 24752### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24753### | 24754### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24755### | 24760### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24761### | 24775### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24776### | 24781### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24782### | 24787### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24788### | 24788### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24789### | 24789### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24790### | 24790### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24791### | 24796### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24797### | 24822### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24823### | 24829### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24830### | 24832### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24833### | 24833### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24834### | 24834### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24835### | 24873### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24874### | 24879### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24880### | 24939### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24940### | 24956### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24957### | 24999### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25000### | 25000### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25001### | 25009### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25010### | 25011### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25002### | 25006### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25017### | 25020### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25021### | 25026### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25027### | 25029### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25030### | 25038### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25039### | 25039### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25040### | 25042### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25043### | 25047### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25048### | 25049### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25050### | 25051### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25052### | 25070### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25071### | 25071### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25072### | 25073### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25074### | 25075### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25076### | 25077### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25078### | 25079### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25080### | 25084### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25085### | 25098### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25099### | 25099### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25100### | 25100### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25101### | 25130### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25131### | 25131### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25132### | 25135### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25136### | 25136### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25137### | 25149### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25150### | 25152### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25153### | 25159### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25160### | 25160### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25161### | 25179### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25180### | 25180### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25181### | 25185### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25186### | 25186### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25187### | 25189### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25190### | 25209### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25210### | 25211### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25212### | 25212### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25213### | 25213### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25214### | 25214### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25215### | 25219### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25220### | 25227### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25228### | 25228### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25229### | 25243### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25244### | 25244### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25245### | 252454### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25246### | 25247### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25248### | 25252### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25253### | 25269### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25270### | 25270### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25271### | 25271### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25272### | 25279### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25280### | 25289### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25290### | 25293### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25294### | 25299### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25300### | 25302### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25303### | 25303### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25304### | 25304### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25305### | 25307### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25308### | 25316### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25317### | 25319### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25320### | 25323### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25324### | 25330### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25331### | 25334### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25335### | 25339### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25340### | 25341### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25342### | 25342### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25343### | 25344### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25345### | 25345### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25346### | 25352### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25353### | 25365### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25366### | 25375### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25376### | 25377### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25378### | 25379### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25380### | 25380### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25381### | 25382### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25383### | 25384### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25385### | 25388### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25389### | 25399### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25400### | 25401### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25402### | 25409### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25410### | 25414### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25415### | 25439### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25440### | 25441### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25442### | 25443### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25444### | 25445### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25446### | 25460### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25461### | 25468### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25469### | 25479### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25480### | 25482### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25483### | 25488### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25489### | 25489### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25490### | 25499### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25500### | 25506### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25507### | 25507### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25508### | 25536### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25537### | 25540### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25541### | 25542### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25543### | 25547### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25548### | 25548### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25549### | 25559### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25560### | 25570### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25571### | 25571### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25572### | 25576### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25577### | 25580### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25581### | 25583### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25584### | 25589### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25590### | 25591### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25592### | 25599### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25600### | 25602### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25603### | 25619### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25620### | 25624### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25625### | 25659### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25660### | 25662### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25663### | 25664### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25665### | 25665### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25666### | 25710### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25711### | 25712### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25713### | 25719### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25720### | 25721### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25722### | 25729### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25730### | 25739### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25740### | 25740### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25741### | 25749### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25750### | 25750### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25751### | 25751### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25752### | 25752### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25753### | 25754### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25755### | 25770### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25771### | 25772### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25773### | 25819### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25820### | 25822### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25823### | 25827### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25828### | 25829### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25830### | 25849### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25850### | 25850### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25851### | 25863### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25864### | 25869### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25870### | 25879### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25880### | 25882### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25883### | 25889### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25890### | 25897### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25898### | 25899### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25900### | 25902### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25903### | 25903### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25904### | 25904### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25905### | 25909### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25910### | 25924### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25925### | 25926### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25927### | 25927### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25928### | 25930### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25931### | 25931### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25932### | 26257### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26258### | 26259### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26260### | 26299### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26300### | 26303### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26304### | 26307### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26308### | 26309### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26310### | 26339### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26340### | 26340### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26341### | 26343### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26344### | 26344### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26345### | 26348### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26349### | 26350### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26351### | 26354### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26355### | 26355### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26356### | 26359### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26360### | 26360### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26361### | 26361### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26362### | 26372### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26373### | 26376### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26377### | 26381### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26382### | 26387### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26388### | 26389### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26390### | 26390### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26391### | 26391### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26392### | 26392### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26393### | 26394### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26395### | 26395### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26396### | 26401### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26402### | 26409### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26410### | 26411### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26412### | 26413### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26414### | 26414### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26415### | 26417### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26418### | 26418### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26419### | 26419### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26420### | 26421### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26422### | 26429### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26430### | 26437### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26438### | 26450### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26451### | 26451### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26452### | 26454### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26455### | 26459### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26460### | 26460### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26461### | 26461### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26462### | 26467### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26468### | 26468### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26469### | 26470### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26471### | 26471### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26472### | 26477### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26478### | 26478### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26479### | 26499### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26500### | 26502### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26503### | 26507### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26508### | 26512### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26513### | 26517### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26518### | 26519### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26520### | 26528### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26529### | 26539### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26540### | 26543### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26544### | 26551### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26552### | 26557### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26558### | 265639### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26564### | 26567### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26568### | 26571### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26572### | 26573### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26574### | 26580### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26581### | 26583### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26584### | 26584### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26585### | 26586### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26587### | 26589### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26590### | 26590### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26591### | 26592### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26593### | 26594### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26595### | 26596### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26597### | 26597### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26598### | 26601### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26602### | 26609### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26610### | 26616### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26617### | 26617### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26618### | 26622### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26623### | 26626### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26627### | 26643### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26644### | 26648### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26649### | 26658### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26659### | 26659### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26660### | 26671### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26672### | 26673### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26674### | 26674### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26675### | 26677### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26678### | 26678### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26679### | 26679### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26680### | 26681### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26682### | 26682### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26683### | 26703### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26704### | 26709### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26710### | 26713### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26714### | 26717### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26718### | 26721### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26722### | 26723### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26724### | 26724### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26725### | 26729### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26730### | 26731### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26732### | 26739### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26740### | 26740### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26741## | 26746### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26747### | 26751### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26752## | 26760### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26761### | 26761### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26762## | 26769### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26770### | 26771### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26772## | 26773### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26774### | 26774### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26775## | 26776### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26777### | 26778### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26779## | 26779### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26780### | 26781### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26782## | 26786### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26787### | 26789### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26790## | 26790### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26791### | 26791### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26792## | 26794### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26795### | 26795### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26796## | 26796### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26797### | 26798### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26799## | 26799### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26800### | 26809### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26810## | 26810### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26811### | 26811### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26812## | 26812### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26813### | 26814### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26815## | 26817### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26818### | 26821### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26822## | 26823### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26824### | 26824### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26825## | 26827### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26828### | 26831### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26832## | 26850### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26851### | 26860### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26861## | 26862### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26863### | 26863### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26864## | 26869### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26870### | 26872### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26873## | 26877### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26878### | 26879### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26880## | 26885### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26886### | 26891### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26892## | 26897### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26898### | 26898### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26899## | 26899### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26900### | 26903### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26904## | 26908### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26909### | 26911### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26912## | 26917### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26918### | 26918### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26919## | 26919### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26920### | 26922### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26923## | 26927### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26928### | 26931### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26932## | 26937### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26938### | 26938### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26939## | 26939### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26940### | 26940### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26941## | 26943### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26944### | 26945### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26946## | 26950### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26951### | 26951### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26952## | 26952### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26953### | 26960### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26961## | 26961### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26962### | 26962### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26963## | 26966### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26967### | 26968### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26969## | 26969### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26970### | 26971### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26972## | 26973### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26974### | 26974### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26975## | 26980### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26981### | 26981### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26982## | 26989### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26990### | 26997### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26998### | 27097### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27098### | 27098### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27099### | 27099### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27100### | 27112### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27113### | 27129### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27130### | 27133### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27134### | 27134### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27135### | 27135### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27136### | 27163### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27164### | 27169### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27170### | 27180### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27181### | 27181### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27182### | 27183### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27184### | 27189### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27190### | 27299### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27300### | 27305### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27306### | 27310### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27311### | 27312### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27313### | 27319### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27320### | 27323### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27324### | 27339### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27340### | 27341### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27342### | 27342### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27343### | 27343### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27344### | 27350### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27351### | 27351### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27352### | 27354### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27355### | 27356### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27357### | 27358### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27359### | 27360### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27361### | 27369### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27370### | 27371### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27372### | 27379### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27380### | 27382### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27383### | 27400### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27401### | 27401### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27402### | 27409### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27410### | 27411### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27412### | 27417### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27418### | 27418### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27419### | 27420### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27421### | 27421### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27422### | 27422### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27423### | 27423### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27424### | 27424### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27425### | 27425### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27426### | 27427### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27428### | 27428### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27429### | 27430### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27431### | 27431### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27432### | 27437### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27438### | 27438### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27439### | 27499### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27500### | 27502### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27503### | 27509### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27510### | 27511### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27512### | 27540### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27541### | 27542### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27543### | 27549### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27550### | 27550### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27551### | 27560### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27561### | 27562### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27563### | 27565### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27566### | 27566### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27567### | 27567### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27568### | 27568### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27569### | 27579### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27580### | 27588### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27589### | 27589### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27590### | 27591### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27592### | 27598### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27599### | 27603### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27604### | 27609### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27610### | 27612### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27613### | 27619### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27620### | 27624### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27625### | 27627### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27628### | 27628### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27629### | 27630### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27631### | 27647### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27648### | 27650### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27651### | 27652### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27653### | 27653### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27654### | 27655### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27656### | 27657### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27658### | 27658### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27659### | 27659### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27660### | 27661### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27662### | 27664### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27665### | 27667### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27668### | 27668### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27669### | 27669### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27670### | 27670### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27671### | 27679### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27680### | 27680### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27681### | 27689### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27690### | 27690### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27691### | 27692### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27693### | 27697### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27698### | 27698### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27699### | 27699### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27700### | 27706### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27707### | 27707### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27708### | 27728### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27729### | 27729### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27730### | 27730### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27731### | 27732### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27733### | 27736### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27737### | 27738### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27739### | 27740### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27741### | 27749### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27750### | 27757### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27758### | 27758### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27759### | 27762### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27763### | 27764### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27765### | 27765### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27766### | 27767### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27768### | 27768### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27769### | 27769### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27770### | 27779### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27780### | 27780### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27781### | 27781### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27782### | 27785### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27786### | 27788### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27789### | 27790### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27791### | 27791### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27792### | 27793### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27794### | 27801### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27802### | 27803### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27804### | 27804### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27805### | 27809### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27810### | 27811### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27812### | 27831### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27832### | 27836### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27837### | 27837### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27838### | 27841### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27842### | 27846### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27847### | 27847### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27848### | 27849### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27850### | 27852### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27853### | 27857### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27858### | 27859### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27860### | 27862### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27863### | 27868### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27869### | 27869### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27870### | 27870### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27871### | 27873### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27874### | 27875### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27876### | 27876### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27877### | 27877### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27878### | 27880### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27881### | 27881### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27882### | 27886### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27887### | 27889### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27890### | 27896### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27897### | 27899### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27900### | 27939### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27940### | 27947### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27948### | 27949### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27950### | 27955### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27956### | 27958### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27959### | 27959### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27960### | 27969### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27970### | 27974### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27975### | 27976### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27977### | 27993### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27994### | 29999### | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
30000### | 39999### | 8 | Beeper Service and mobile service servicio móvil de repetidoras troncalizadas | In reserve for allocation |
40000### | 49999### | 8 | IP telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
4000#### | 8 | IP fixed telephony service | 13.I.2011 | |
4200-0000 | 4203-9999 | 8 | Telephone Service IP, PRD Internacional S.A | 13-03-2013 – 00 :00 |
4700#### | 4702 #### | 8 | Telephone Service IP TELEVISORA DE COSTA RICA S.A | Introduction on : 25.I.2013 00:00 |
60000### | 6100 1999 | 8 | Other services in reserve for allocation | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation). |
6100 2000 | 6200 1999 | 8 | Mobile Telephone Service Telefonica de Costa Rica TC; S.A | 22.X.2012 - 00:00 |
6200 2000 | 6999 9### | 8 | Other services in reserve for allocation | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation). |
70000### | 7101 9999 | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
7102 0000 | 7201 9999 | 8 | Mobile telephone Service Claro CR Telecomunicaciones; S.A | 21.X.2012 - 00:00 |
7202 0000 | 7999 9999 | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation). |
80000### | 80999### | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
81000### | 81999### | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
82000### | 82999### | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
83000### | 83999### | 8 | Mobile telephony services | ICE- Mobile telephony |
84000### | 84999### | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
85000### | 85999### | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
86000### | 87999### | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
88000### | 88999### | 8 | Mobile telephony services | ICE- Mobile telephony |
89000### | 89999### | 8 | Mobile telephony services | ICE- Mobile telephony |
90000### | 99999### | 8 | Other services in reserve for allocation | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
911X #### | ---- | 3 | Servicios de Emergencia | ------------- |
أرقام تهمك
البلد / المنطقة الجغرافية | عدد | فئة الخدمة | معلومات اضافية |
كوستا ريكا | 1026 | المخاطر | - |
كوستا ريكا | 1119 | المخاطر | - |
كوستا ريكا | 1147 | خط المساعدة للأطفال | - |
كوستا ريكا | 911; 112 | طبي | - |
كوستا ريكا | 911; 112 | حريق | - |
كوستا ريكا | 911; 112 | شرطة | - |
كوستا ريكا | 911; 112 | مرور | - |
خطة الطلب
الاتصال المحلي
- للمكالمة المحلية: قم بالاتصال بكافة الأرقام الثمانية الخاصة برقم الهاتف المحلي
- لإجراء مكالمة المسافات الطويلة: اتصل برقم الهاتف المكون من ثمانية أرقام من رقم الهاتف المحلي
الاتصال الخارجي
- للاتصال بكوستاريكا من الخارج: رمز الخروج - 506 - رقم الهاتف المحلي (يمكن أيضًا كتابة رمز الإنهاء باسم "+")
- للاتصال بالخارج من كوستاريكا: 00 - رمز البلد - رمز المنطقة - رقم الهاتف
روابط خارجية
- Wikipedia:Telephone Numbers in Costa Rica
- Wikipedia:Administrative divisions of Costa Rica
- ITU-T:International Numbering Resources:National Numbering Plan: Costa Rica
خيارات المرجعية
- AreaCodeBase: كوستاريكا كود المنطقة قاعدة بيانات
- BizDirLib: كوستاريكا قاعدة بيانات الدليل التجاري
- PostCodeBase: كوستاريكا بلد الرمز البريدي